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What is the Expense of Land Registry for 2018?

During the purchase and sale of your home, it is important to determine how much TL sales value should be disclosed, as well as to determine the base for the title deed and to account for the value increase earning. Title deeds in housing transactions; are calculated separately by the buyer and the seller at a rate of 4 percent on the value declared by the buyer and the seller during the purchase and sale, not less than the value of the real estate tax.


How is the title deed calculated?

You will buy or sell a house. Then you are wondering what your expense of title deed will be. In this news you can find the answer to the question "How to calculate the 2017-2018 Title Deed Mortar" in the context of the examples.

Among the topics that people are interested in buying and selling real estate are titular fees. Or 'title deed' in public literature. According to the legislation of the year 2012, 33 percent of the title deed was taken over the price of real estate in the purchase and sale of a real estate. Half of this amount to be paid was paid by the seller in the buyer's half. Which means that? 16.5 of the sales price of the real estate of the buyer, 16.5 of the dealer pays part of the.

In 2017-2018 the legislation was changed. According to the new legislation, if you are going to buy real estate or vice versa, you will pay 20% (2%) of title deed per person over the actual sales price. For a clearer sense of how you can see how much money will come out of your pocket for title deed, based on the following concrete examples. 

What is 500 thousand TL home's title deed?

If a sale of a house of 500 thousand TL is reported on the actual price of the sale price, the amount of title deed transferred to the buyer and the seller must be 10 thousand TL. As the title deed costs are 20 per cent of the title deed, the title deed to be paid in the sale of a real estate of 500 thousand TL is equivalent to 10 thousand TL. And this rate is collected separately from the line and from the sat. However, it is worth to draw gold; these figures do not include revolving capital costs. For these costs, a figure between approximately 150 - 200 TL should be taken into consideration.

This fee is generally paid by the "buyer" if there is no agreement between them.