For the reason that mortgage credits have increased up to 8,5% in the past year, the fırms that are selling flats have come up to a conclusion, that customers can buy their new flats with note bill payment methods, which can be done in 60 installment payments. The banks that give mortgage credits have unfortunately increased the percentage of interest for a month to 1,23. This made the firms come up to a conclusion that if they want to sell the flats and the customers want to own their own houses, note bill payment methods have to be brought up to make the system easier.
The Campaigns Have Got Attention
An expo fair was opened for the the building construction firms and for reality estate firms in a hall with 6 salons of a total of 35 thousand meters square. The fair was organised at the TÜYAP International Fair and Congress Hall of Bursa. The campaign that the firms put out for the customers, that they can pay with 60 months of installment, put alot of attention to the customer's interest.
Note Bill Payments Interest Customers
Many of the firms, noticing that the mortgage credits have increased to 1,20% made them bring out the conclusion, that they should start the flat sales with note bill payments to make it easier for the customers. The Head of the Real Estate Consultant of the Craftsman of Bursa, has noticed that the interest increase for the flats is definitely going to make it harder for the customers to buy their new flats. He informs that the sellers must always find the best way to sell the flats to the customers. He says that they are trying to think of a way that will make it easier for the customers to buy their houses. For this, big firms have decided to sell houses using the note bill payment method. In this way, the flat sales will not slow down and it also attracts the customers.