GYODER Vice-President Neşecan Çekici said that the concept of urban structure has changed in the world and that the midicities, which are managed more easily instead of megacities, have started to be established.
City system has a genetic memory
"Property’s Genetic Memory" in the session titled from GYODER vice presidents Bayraktaroğlu, Neşecan Çekici and Gürsel Öngören, How does Turkey's real estate Memory works? Is it Possible to Remove the Map of the Future with the Real Estate History? What Does Yesterday and Today Tell Us About Tomorrow's DNA? Which will change the genetics of the sector? Transition to 4.0 is Possible? Perfect Gene for Real Estate, Dream Is Real? discussed the issues.
The property industry will change with technology
Neşecan Çekici also noted that urban structures and city experiences will change depending on the technology in the coming period. He said that technology will make things easier and cheaper. "Technology will bring many innovations in the sector. For example, everyone in the sector will have to change. Everyone will have to defeat himself. Shopping malls are reborn from their ashes. Property owners are no longer rental collectors, service providers. Because malls are now a service area. " Attractive, emphasizing that the concept of urban structure has changed in the world, "In the world are no longer megacities, because the minicities are easier to manage it. "
Industry 4.0 must be used real estate
Bayraktaroğlu explains that technology should be linked to the real estate sector with the application of Industry 4.0. "We need to look at ways of establishing this 4.0 in the cities where the real estate sector is showing itself.cities can be used in different areas. It can be used for example in intelligent planning and construction. Green buildings, intelligent buildings, that is we can use this system in every area related to cities. "
"We create intelligent emergency response systems, disaster prepared infrastructure and buildings. We can do real-time, self-regenerating urban management. Where do we implement industry 4.0 in sustainable cities? We can build cities that can be self-renewing, adaptable, holistic, energetic and capable of living by using these instruments, which we have added to our life with the industry 4.0 with the internet of objects, artificial intelligence, blockchain, three-dimensional printing, virtual reality, drones and robotics technology.